Welcome back to school!
All pupils are very welcome back to school after the summer break. I would like to extend a very special welcome to our eight new junior infants and to our new entrant to third class. We look forward to a happy, busy and productive school year!
I would like again to acknowledge the contribution made by Mrs. Boland during her time as principal at Garrydoolis N.S. and to wish both her and husband Gerry, health and happiness during this new chapter in their lives. Once again, I wish to express my sincere thanks to the pupils, parents and members of the wider school community who have extended me such a warm welcome since my appointment as principal
Welcome to our new staff:
We extend a warm welcome to our new secretary, Mary O’Dwyer, who will be in the office every Tuesday and also to our new caretaker, Roger Butler.
At Garrydoolis N.S. we encourage communication and the sharing of ideas and opinions. Should a parent wish to meet his/her child’s class teacher he/she is most welcome to do so. Parents can arrange an appointment through the school secretary, by writing to the teacher, via email at garrydoolisns@gmail.com or by mentioning it to the teacher when collecting their child. In the event of an emergency during school holidays/ outside of school hours, contact with the principal/ school authorities may be made via email. Please note that the phone answering service is also operational, should you wish to leave a message.
The school has registered for the text-a-parent service which will allow us to communicate information/ reminders via text message as the need arises. The message sender will appear as “garrydoolis” and all messages will be sent to the mother’s mobile number. If due to personal circumstances, you wish school messages to be sent to the father’s mobile number also please advise the principal of same.
All parents are kindly reminded that children are expected to wear their full uniform to school each day. All children should have a pair of black pumps to wear as indoor shoes. The school tracksuit should be worn only on PE day which will be each Thursday during this academic year.
Homework is an integral link in the chain of communication between school and home. Homework is important in order to develop skills and self-discipline that will be of benefit to children in order to enhance learning, to reinforce work done in class, to allow for revision and practice and to develop a child’s concentration skills and develop a positive work ethic. Homework will be given Monday to Thursday and parents/guardians are kindly asked to supervise and aid the completion of homework and also to sign homework journals daily.
Healthy Lunches:
Pupils are encouraged to bring a healthy lunch to school in line with our healthy eating policy. Treats such as fizzy drinks, chocolate, crisps and sweets should be avoided. In the event of a birthday or special occasion, parents are welcome to provide treats for their child to distribute amongst classmates, should they so wish. Equally, teachers may choose to present a treat as acknowledgement of an achievement. As we all become increasingly aware of the importance and benefits of healthy eating habits, we encourage your support in this regard.
Junior Infant Timetable:
Just a reminder that junior infants will go home at 12.30pm each day during the first two weeks at school. Therefore, junior infants will start to go home at 2.00pm as normal on the week beginning September 16th.
Reduce our Rubbish!
In connection with our green schools project, we would ask that all pupils take lunch rubbish home in their lunchboxes in an effort to reduce rubbish levels in the school.
We are in the process of redesigning our school website which will be updated regularly and will act as a great aid to communication. The site will still be accessed at www.garrydoolisns.com and you will be informed when our new look website is ready!
Exciting Initiatives:
We look forward to commencing work towards our third green flag this year which will focus around the theme of water consumption. Work will also begin towards the achievement of the active flag. At the senior end, a student council will be formed to offer pupils the opportunity to gather and share opinions and to have a valued voice in the life of the school. It is planned that the junior and senior classes will join up to form reading buddies and that they will learn yard games together during yard time each Friday; an initiative to be called “Friendship Friday”.
Pupil Accident Insurance:
In line with the school’s commitment to best possible practice in relation to health and safety, all parents are advised to avail of pupil personal accident insurance in respect of their child(ren). This year, we propose to cover all pupils through a common cover with Allianz on a 24 hour basis. In doing so, we are enabled to secure a discounted rate of just 5.60 per pupil. This fee is payable to the class teacher and children will be insured as soon as possible in order to avoid a lapse in cover.
Book Rental Scheme:
Fees for the book rental scheme may also now be paid to class teachers. Receipts will be issued for all money received. The book rental scheme truly is a worthwhile undertaking for parents as it significantly cuts down back-to-school costs. Therefore, your co-operation in helping to make it a success is hugely appreciated. In this regard, we encourage you to foster a sense of responsibility in your children for the books given to them for the year and to reinforce the fact that drawing or writing on school books is no longer acceptable as books damaged or lost during the year will need to be replaced. In relation to the book rental scheme, we are hugely grateful to those parents who gave so generously of their time in order to cover new school books on August 26th.
Homework Journals:
Homework journals have been purchased by the school for each pupil from 1st-6th class. The cost of each journal is 2.50 and this may be paid to the class teacher.
Parents Association Contribution to Senior Classroom:
Sincere thanks must be extended to our wonderful parents association who have very kindly bought and donated a set of atlases and dictionaries to the senior classroom.
Dates for your Diary:
- Our parish back to school mass will take place in Templebraden Church on Sunday 8th September at 10.15am.
- School will close at 2pm on Thursday 19th September due to a staff meeting.
- Our annual Board of Management fundraising table quiz will be held in the Idler Bar, Knockane on Friday 18th October.
Any pupils who would like to join Templebraden parish choir are invited to do so. The choir practices each Tuesday at 6.45pm at the church and they sing at Sunday mass. New members are most welcome to attend a practice and join the choir.
In the event that one of the younger children has a minor toileting accident, we would like to assure you that every effort will be made to change the child in school. However due to our child protection policy, if we do not have adequate teacher supervision on the premises at that time of the day we may need to call the parent. Should your child receive a change of clothes in school, we would ask that the clothes be washed and returned to the school in order that they may be re-used should the need arise.
Again this year, we would kindly request that parents provide children with their own set of headphones for use with the classroom computers.
Library Book Appeal:
In line with our commitment to literacy development, we wish to update the contents of our classroom libraries and feel that the families of the school may be able to help in this regard. If your child has finished reading books that are still in good condition, and which you no longer need at home, you are invited to donate them to the school.
We are particularly interested in the following authors/ series: Read at Home, O’Brien Press, Roald Dahl, Horrid Henry Series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series, Goosebumps Series, Enid Blyton, Marita Conlon-McKenna, Eoin Colfer or any other titles (fact or fiction) which your child(ren) particularly enjoyed.
As we begin the academic year, let’s keep in mind our new school motto:
“Ag obair le chéile” – “Working together”
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